Online Games To Play On Zoom

Most Zoom games either require manual effort or a simple screen sharing option that makes it easier for you and your friends to stay on the same page. Follow this guide to learn all the basics of sharing your screen via Zoom which can then be used to play one of the games we have listed below. What You Need to Play Games over Zoom. My final idea for those who are looking for Zoom games for kids is to play Boggle! There are lots of online versions of this game ( is a good one!), which you can share during a Zoom call using the screen sharing option. Start a game, set a timer for 3 minutes, and see who can find the most words!

Online Games To Play On Zoom

Now that the majority of the country is practicing social distancing, the way we entertain ourselves has drastically changed. Musicians are streaming concerts on YouTube, comedians are going live on Instagram, and people all over the world are using Zoom well after their work calls are over in order to spend time with loved ones. But if your video chat hangs are starting to feel a bit repetitive (read: You're drinking way more wine than usual), a game night on Zoom may provide a much-needed reprieve.

'Using video conferencing technology to have fun, to engage with other people, and to connect socially, reminds us that we are not alone and that we have people there to support us,' Dr. Josh Klapow, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and associate professor of public health at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, tells Bustle.

Hopping on video chat can be a great way to feel less isolated. Folks everywhere are propping up their phones while they cook together, watch movies, or simply have conversations. But the fun of a game night, in particular, can make these quiet evenings seem a little less strange and a lot more nostalgic. Battling it out with friends might even ease coronavirus-related anxiety, at least for a little while, as you focus your mind elsewhere.

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Online Games

Online Games To Play On Zoom

Here, a few ideas for ways to have a Zoom game night, so you can stay connected from afar.

Online Games To Play On Zoom

Virtual Office Games Zoom

Get to know your friends even better by playing a game of 21 Questions. To get things started, have everyone come up with a list of 21 Qs, then roll a die, and have the person with the lower number answer first.

The person who is asking should start with easy questions, like, 'What did you have for breakfast this morning?' Then move onto ones that are more risqué, if your friends are OK with that.

Online Games To Play On Zoom For Adults

You can ask 'what if?' questions, pose interesting scenarios, ask about dreams and fears — or whatever else sounds fun.